Stylish diabetes – making medical devices beautiful

A couple of weeks ago, the lovely person behind RockaDexUK sent Pumplette some stickers to try. They were sent free of charge, and there was no expectation that I would blog about them.

However, Pumplette has been a RockaDex customer for some time now. We used to order her supplies from Australia and they would usually be in our hot little paws within a week. The fact that we have been using them for a while should, I hope, give you an indication how good the product is. Pumplette loves the funky colours and shapes that the Dexcom tape comes in. The fact that Pumplette chooses to wear cgm doesn’t mean she loves how it looks when she wears it. That there is a company who makes products to make the whole thing look less utilitarian is nothing short of excellent. There is, of course, the added bonus of the tape extending the sensor life too. Pumplette swims, a lot, and the tape has been fantastic in keeping the thing stuck to her! each tape last around a week, and when it starts to peel, we perform the very careful operation to gently coerce the tape from her before sticking on a new one.  

Beach style in Barcelona 

The transmitter stickers have also been a welcome addition to her sticky collection, again, just reducing some of the “medical” look to her devices.  

Elegance in a Pumplette

If you are in the UK, and this sounds like the kind of thing your little one would appreciate, the link to the website is here:

If you are of an international persuasion, the original store link is here, and its worth seeing whether or not there is a distributor in your territory.

RockaDex produce many other accessories for all sorts of diabetes medical equipment, so even if you don’t use Dexcom, it is worth a visit to see what is in store for your devices.

As I said, there was no expectation that I would write this post when we received a handful of Dexcom patches and transmitter stickers to try, free of charge. 

Happy sticking! 

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